In an editorial published by USA Today, the author makes an argument that all people should know more about what is going on behind the scenes in elections, specifically with the political campaign donors (specifically the super donors “who are responsible for nearly 25% of the money that has flowed into Super PACS from the beginning of last year”). I feel the author has adequate reasoning to hope for disclose donors on Super PAC ads and know who the donors behind the candidates are. The author talks about how vital the donors are to each candidate’s likelihood of winning, for example, it is mentioned that “At least 10 donors gave at least $1 million apiece to Mitt Romney, which helped him buy enough negative ads to squash Gingrich in the Florida primary and keep his own bid alive.” The author also mentions about how stockholders and members are told by the corporation or union how much they spend on political campaigns and where so why can’t the candidates do the same? This editorial was meant for every single individual that doesn’t want to be “kept in the dark” about what’s really going on and I completely agree with it since people deserve to know the full unbiased facts of everything before making a decision and voting on something so important as who will run our nation for the next 4 years.
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